A closer look at the gorgeous White-bar Anthias, Pseudanthias ...
Apr 11, 2012 · Males of P. leucozonus possess a white bar that runs vertically down their body, as suggested by the common name. These pictures were shared with us by Jimmy Ma from Hong Kong, the owner of the amazing aberrant Coral Beauty that never lost its color.
Pseudanthias leucozonus, white bar anthias makes a big …
Jul 28, 2010 · Pseudanthias leucozonus, the white bar anthias, is an extremely rare species of anthias with some breathtaking colors. Being normally restricted to the southern seas of Japanese waters, this large batch of ten Pseudanthias leucozonus was actually sourced from Bali.
White Bar Anthias - Quality Marine
The White Bar Anthias is quite rare in the aquarium trade. This unique beauty has verying colors ranging from yellows, oranges and reds with white irregular thin bars on the front have of the body with the fins tipped in white.
Ultra Anthias Arrival! | Reef2Reef
Oct 25, 2024 · One fish you probably have not seen, especially in person, is the White Bar Anthias. These are some of the rarest and most beautiful Anthias ever to grace an aquarium. If there was ever some Anthias that you could call dream fish, or showpiece, these are them.
White Bar Anthias | Pseudanthias Leucozonus – NYAquatic
As with all anthias, White Bar Anthias | Pseudanthias Leucozonus, do best in groups of 3 or more. Feed several times a day. These super rare anthias are almost never seen in the hobby.
Pseudanthias leucozonus re-appears from Bali sources
Aug 19, 2011 · About a year ago, the lesser known white bar anthias, Pseudanthias leucozonus, made a grand appearance in large numbers at Greenwich Aquaria. Not known to many in the trade, the extremely rare anthias is a deep water resident of the reefs in Japan and until recently, found and exported from Bali.
Anyone have a pic of a long term captive White Bar Anthias ...
Dec 16, 2010 · Anyone have a pic of a long term captive White Bar Anthias (Pseudanthias leucozonus) ? Considering buying a couple and just want to see if they hold their colors decently well. Bump. I was interested in this species a while ago, I live in the UK and when I asked I was told this species has never been imported here.
White Bar Anthias, Pseudanthias leucozonus | AquaNerd
Aug 3, 2010 · The White Bar Anthias (Pseudanthis leucozonus) is an extremely rare anthias that has become available through Sea Dwelling Creatures and Greenwhich Aquaria.
Pseudanthias leucozonus White bar anthias - Reeflex
Pseudanthias leucozonus, the white bar anthias, is an extremely rare species of anthias with some breathtaking colors. Inhabits rocky reefs known only from Futo, Izu Peninsula, Japan. Synonym: Anthias leucozonus Katayama & Masuda, 1982
White-bar Anthias (Pseudanthias leucozonus) - iNaturalist
Pseudanthias leucozonus is a species of ray-finned fishes with 1 observation