Is Sea Shepherd Its Own Worst Enemy? - ANIMAL PEOPLE FORUM
Oct 14, 2019 · In an interview with Sea Shepherd's longest-serving crew member, Peter Brown, we discuss his misgivings about the organization's post-Whale Wars trajectory, and the value of passion as a guiding principle.
Sea change in anti-whaling activism as Sea Shepherd withdraws …
Sep 12, 2017 · In a statement published August 27 th, Sea Shepherd founder Paul Watson explained that his group is no longer able to combat whaling vessels directly, as they have done since 2005, due to new surveillance technology used by whalers to track and avoid Sea Shepherd’s ships. Japanese ships successfully met their annual quota of 333 kills each of ...
Sea Shepherds fight World Wildlife Fund – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
Jul 1, 1999 · save sea birds after the wreck of the tanker Pallas near the Shallows nature reserve off the coast of Germany. The Sea Shepherds mustered 60 volunteers, who eventually rescued more than 1,000 birds, Distefano wrote in the first 1999 edition of The Sea Shepherd Log. The hardest part of the job, Distefano said, was that “In Germany the
Makah don’t get quota: SEA SHEPHERDS FIND REPUBLICAN …
Aug 1, 1996 · through Congressional politics, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society on June 26 sunk Japanese and Norwegian hopes for expanded legal whaling––at least for this year. Eighteen years after Captain Paul Watson established the Sea Shepherds’ reputation as what he calls “good pirates” by ramming the outlaw Portuguese whaler Sierra, 14
Apr 1, 1994 · A Project of Animal People, Inc., 1992-2013. Home; About Us; Contact; Animal People Forum; WATSON TRIAL BEGINS; SEA SHEPHERD MAY GET INTO THE SEAL WOOL BUSINESS
Animal Balance in the Galapagos – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
Jun 2, 2004 · Shepherd web site recalled. Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson told Munoz that his crew would leave only “when, and only when, the director of the Galapagos National Park requested him to do so. “The next morning, the Farley Mowat discovered a large tuna seiner setting its nets just inside the marine reserve,” the Sea Shepherds said.
Nov 1, 1998 · 1979 Sea Shepherd mission, who disembarked just before the actual ramming, was Alex Pacheco, then age 19. Amory remembered him as a volunteer “who practically grew up in our Cincinnati office.” Amory encouraged Pacheco and Ingrid Newkirk when in 1981 they founded People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Amory and other Fund figures ...
Marine Animals – Page 12 – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
Jones, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society founder Paul Watson, and Steve Sipman, who invented the name “Animal Liberation Front” in connection with releasing two dolphins from a Hawaiian laboratory in 1976. The Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks & Aquariums and the American Zoo & Aquarium Association finally issued statements of
Japanese whalers killed fewest whales ever in 2013 Antarctic hunt
From ANIMAL PEOPLE, April 2013: TOKYO– –The Japanese whaling fleet in 2013 killed just 103 minke whales out of a self-assigned quota of 935, and killed none of the 50 humpback and 50 fin whales they had hoped to kill, acknowledged Japanese agriculture, forestry and fisheries minister Yoshimasa Hayashi at a homecoming media conference.
South Korea to resume "research whaling" – ANIMAL PEOPLE NEWS
Jul 1, 2012 · PANAMA CITY, Panama–South Korean whaling commissioner Joon-Suk Kang told the 64th annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission meeting on July 5, 2012 in Panama that South Korea will submit a plan to begin “research whaling” to the IWC