Free online Solitaire
How To Play Solitaire. Goal. The goal is to move all cards to the four foundations on the upper right. Turning and Moving. Click the stock (on the upper left) to turn over cards onto the waste pile. Drag cards to move them between the waste pile, the seven tableau columns (at the bottom), and the four foundations. You can also double-click ...
Klondike Solitaire, Turn One - free online card game
Play solitaire with one card turned for free. No download or registration needed.
Spider Solitaire (2 Suits)
Goal. The goal is to move all cards to the eight foundations at the top.. Turning and Moving. Drag cards to move them between the ten tableau columns at the bottom.. Click the stock (on the upper left) to deal a new card onto each tableau column.. When thirteen cards of the same suit from King all the way to Ace are together on a tableau column, they are …
You win! Let's play one more time! New Game turn one (easy) New Game turn three (medium)
How I Hand-Rolled MVC for a JavaScript Game (and It Was …
Feb 13, 2012 · demonstrate how to structure any JavaScript app (game or not, framework or not) around MVC for cleaner code. I recently decided to improve the Solitr game ( GitHub ) I had hacked together in a one-day hackathon ( blogged about here ).
Privacy and Cookie Policy - Solitr
Jan 20, 2018 · Cookie Policy. Sinopia Olive Limited ("us", "we", or "our") uses cookies on the https://www.solitr.com, https://mahjon.gg, and https://sudoku.game websites (the ...
18-Hour Hackathon: Making a CoffeeScript Solitaire
Nov 7, 2011 · Time to drop in a pretty card deck with CSS sprite handling, test, fix undo handling, add double-clicking, “you win” message, “new game” buttons, make production environment work, test some more.
Ember.js: Implementing text fields with save buttons - Solitr
Jun 11, 2012 · Jo Liss writes about building software, with Ember and Rails in particular. Jo is an entrepreneur and runs a solitaire site. @jo_liss; atom_feed.xml; [email protected]; Popular Posts. Broccoli: First Beta Release; Getting Started With Konacha: JavaScript Testing on Rails; Capybara (and Selenium) with RSpec & Rails 3: quick tutorial
markdown-rails: Markdown for your views and partials - Solitr
Feb 23, 2012 · How I Hand-Rolled MVC for a JavaScript Game (and It Was Awesome) Screenshots with Capybara; Adding Twitter's Bootstrap CSS to your Rails app; 18-Hour Hackathon: Making a CoffeeScript Solitaire; EC2 CPU benchmark: Fastest instance type (serial performance) Creating a swap file with Chef; Chef Solo tutorial: Managing a …
Technical causes of today's OpenSSL vulnerabilities - Solitr
Mar 19, 2015 · How I Hand-Rolled MVC for a JavaScript Game (and It Was Awesome) Screenshots with Capybara; Adding Twitter's Bootstrap CSS to your Rails app; 18-Hour Hackathon: Making a CoffeeScript Solitaire; EC2 CPU benchmark: Fastest instance type (serial performance) Creating a swap file with Chef; Chef Solo tutorial: Managing a …