Pigeon Blue color hex code is #687C96 - Color-Name.com
Pigeon Blue color hex code is #687C96 and RGB (104, 124, 150). As per HSB/HSV model, the color has a hue of 214°, saturation of 31% and a brightness of 59%. The CMYK values of Pigeon Blue are C:31 M:17 Y:0 K:41.
RAL 5014 Pigeon blue (RAL Classic) - RALcolorchart.com
This page shows RAL color 5014 with the color name Pigeon blue. This RAL color is in the Blue hues category, part of the RAL Classic color system.
RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue RAL Classic Color - colorxs.com
What color is RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue? RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue color belongs to the Blue color family (hue). The hexadecimal color code (color number) for RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue is #637D96, and the RGB color code is RGB (99, 125, 150).
RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue color palettes - colorxs.com
Find what colors go with RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue color palettes. Explore monochromatic, analogous, complementary schemes. Inspiring color palette and combination for your next design.
RAL Classic Pigeon blue RAL 5014 paint color - plan-home.com
What color is RAL Classic Pigeon blue? Let’s dive into a full Pigeon blue paint color review. Take a look at pictures of real interiors and exteriors painted with beautiful RAL 5014. Find out if this gorgeous cold blue paint color would look great on your living room walls or trims, kitchen cabinet, bedroom accent wall, bathroom or house ...
Colour RAL 5014 / Pigeon blue (Blue shades) | RAL colour chart UK
Here you can see the example of RAL 5014 colour in RAL charts. This colour shade is a part of RAL Classic colour deck, it is also known by Pigeon blue name. This RAL shade is one of 25 colours in Blue hues chart. RAL 5014 LRV Value is known to be ≈ 21.54%.
RAL 5014 - Pigeon Blue: Color Details, Examples, and Pairings
RAL 5014, also known as Pigeon Blue, is a soft, muted gray-blue that evokes a sense of calm and tranquility. Colors that pair well with RAL 5014 include soft pastels like blush pink (RAL 3015) and baby yellow (RAL 1013), creating a gentle, harmonious palette.
RAL 5014 Color Pigeon blue
Here you can see the example of RAL 5014 color in RAL charts. This color shade is a part of RAL Classic coulour deck, it is also known by Pigeon blue name. This RAL shade is one of 40 colors in Blue hues chart.
RAL Pigeon blue [RAL 5014] Color in RAL Classic chart - HEX to RAL
Pigeon blue RAL 5014 Color code refers to yellow color depicted on this page. The 'Pigeon blue' is a name attributed to this exact color tone on RAL Classic color chart.
RAL Classic 5014 Pigeon Blue - Ral Color Codes
RAL Classic 5014 Pigeon Blue. The specifications for the RAL Classic 5014 color, are displayed below including its converted values to other popular color formats such as Hex, RGB, CMYK etc. We have an extensive list of color conversion tools where you can convert colors from and to many different color formats popular or not.
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