My PECS - Free PECS Cards and Images
My PECS is your #1 source to free professional PECS cards and images. Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is designed to teach functional communication for children with autism and other special needs.
What is PECS - In-depth guide to PECS (Picture Exchange …
PECS stands for Picture Exchange Communications System. The materials used are picture symbols as the method of application to assist in developing speech. It will also aid in speech progression and help with communication with others. PECS have been used for all ages from preschoolers to adults with autism or special needs.
PECS Card Categories
Browse free PECS cards by logical category with the My PECS catalog. My Pecs PECS Card Categories. Share This | register | support. Email: * * Password: ... General Communication ( 33 ) Pain ( 5 ) Senses ( 4 ) Foods (89) Breakfast ( 10 ) Deserts ( 8 ) Fast Food ( 10 ) Fruit ( 17 )
Stop! PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings. Stopping is the act of halting one's progress to prevent further movement.
My PECS - Free PECS Images
PECS Card Management: Access to download, print, and organize PECS cards. PECS Customization: Create your own PECS groups and phrases. Schedules & Calendars: Create your own PECS calendars and schedules. It's Free: Registration is free and takes less than a minute.
Stop PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings Stopping is the act of halting or hindering the advance of a person or object with the intent of preventing passage. Category: General Communication
Happy PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings. Happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources.
Hello PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings. Hello is an English language greeting or salutation, often used when meeting someone.
Toilet PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings. A toilet is a fixture found in the bathroom that is used for the disposal of human waste. There are various types of toilets, including dry toilets, chemical toilets, and pit toilets.
Pet Dog PECS Card
PECS Card Overview & Ratings. Petting a dog is the process of gently moving ones hand across the back or head of the animal to show affection. When petting a dog that is not familiar with you, gently offer up your hand to be sniffed by the dog. If the dog responds by pulling back or growling, then do not proceed to pet the animal.
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