Is beef shin the same as beef shank? - FindAnyAnswer.com
One may also ask, is Shin beef Tough or tender? Beef shin comes from the foreshank of the animal and, due to the the vast amount of work the muscle does, is full of connective tissues …
What is Segmenters in CBC? - findanyanswer.com
How many white blood cells (WBCs) someone has varies, but the normal range is usually between 4,000 and 11,000 per microliter of blood.
What is the difference between SSA and SAS? - FindAnyAnswer.com
Both of these two postulates tell you that you have two congruent sides and one congruent angle, but the difference is that in SAS, the congruent angle is the one that is formed by the two …
What does MMA and RRA mean in Botswana? - FindAnyAnswer.com
They're both terms of respect used in the Setswana language. 'Mma' is like 'Ma'am' or 'Madam', or a more respectful form of 'Mrs.' 'Rra' is like 'sir', or a very respectful form of 'Mr.' 'Dumela' can …
What are the ingredients of Michelob Ultra? - FindAnyAnswer.com
Many consumer publications, blogs, and websites have felt the need to define Michelob Ultra as something other than what it is: a light lager made with malted barley, rice, hops, water, and …
What does AFR mean for charities? - findanyanswer.com
Similarly, you may ask, what is a good AFR for a charity? Skimming the CFC Charity List you will see AFR percentages like 1.8%, 15.4%, 25.5%, 41.7%, and even 81.8%, and everything in …
What is the difference between a rooming house and a boarding …
Additionally, how much does it cost to live in a rooming house? Rooming houses are often used as housing for low-income people, as rooming houses (along with Single Room Occupancy …
What does µ mean? - FindAnyAnswer.com
Psi (/(p)sa?/; uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; Greek: ψι psi [ˈpsi]) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700. In both Classical and Modern Greek, the letter …
Why do gametes have half the number of chromosomes?
Hereof, why is it important for gametes to have half the diploid number of chromosomes? Why is it important that gametes have half the number of chromosomes than the rest of the body cells ? …
What's the difference between shredded coconut and desiccated …
Shredded coconut is mostly dry, but it usually retains more moisture than full-on desiccated coconut.But really, the main difference between shredded coconut and desiccated coconut …