Opportunities & Resources | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Our dream is that Ngāi Tahu Whānui enjoy superb physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing. Our goal is to successfully distribute resources to meet the needs and aspirations of Ngāi Tahu whānau. We’ve got opportunities, scholarships, and programmes for all ages!
Join our Work Family - Ngāi Tahu Tourism Jobs
Join the Ngāi Tahu Tourism work family and work in one of our ten diverse businesses across New Zealand, for true adventure and belonging.
4. Ngai Tahu and Resource Management - Mahaanui Kurataiao Ltd
The RMA 1991 and the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 increased the presence and influence of Ngāi Tahu in resource management processes. While the loss of land will forever stay in the memory of the people, Ngāi Tahu have worked tirelessly to restore taonga such as mahinga kai and water quality, and to fulfill their role as kaitiaki.
Ngāi Tahu - Wikipedia
Ngāi Tahu, or Kāi Tahu, is the principal Māori iwi (tribe) of the South Island. Its takiwā (tribal area) is the largest in New Zealand, and extends from the White Bluffs / Te Parinui o Whiti (southeast of Blenheim), Mount Mahanga and Kahurangi Point in the north to Stewart Island / …
Unemployment to rise as 300 face job loss at Ngāi Tahu Tourism
Apr 23, 2020 · Ngāi Tahu Tourism is planning on closing its businesses for the foreseeable future with 300 jobs on the line. Ngāi Tahu Tourism said even if the industry did recover, it wouldn't be until a long time.
Ngāi Tahutanga - Culture & Identity | Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Apr 10, 2020 · Ngāi Tahu culture and traditions help to define who we are and where we have come from as a people. Ngāi Tahutanga is our inherited common identity, it guides us in all our decisions and underpins everything Te Rūnanga sets out to achieve.
Government and Ngāi Tahu to work together on regenerative …
Ngāi Tahu and the Government have joined forces on a new project to validate the science of regenerative farming. The seven-year research programme will compare side-by-side dairy farms to...
Arihia Bennett : from social worker to CEO of Ngāi Tahu
Apr 13, 2023 · As Chief Executive of Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu, Arihia Bennett leads a whanau of more than 78,000 iwi members, including their near-$2b worth of assets. She's been in the role for 11 years, overseeing all of Ngāi Tahu's operations, including …
Tough year but Ngi Tahu values up - Farmers Weekly
Oct 6, 2016 · Ngai Tahu Holdings’ farmland values have risen strongly as conversion work progressed, despite a tough earnings year.
Protecting Ngai Tahu History - Cultural Mapping Project
The lagoon, renowned for tuna (eels), was flooded when the lake was artificially raised in 1958 to store water for hydroelectric power generation. The tents are part of the public works camp that housed workers who constructed the road to Makarore (Makarora). Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Collection, Ngāi Tahu Archive, 2017-0271
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