Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia – Visit Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Mount Sinai was covered with smoke because the Lord descended on it in the fire. The smoke billowed up from it like smoke from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently” (Exodus 19:17-18, NIV). Mountain Sinai is a holy place where God came, the...
Photo Gallery – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Twelve Stone Altars In Front of Mount Sinai; The stream in front of Mount Sinai; The Pinnacle of The Mount Sinai; Elijah’s Cave on Munt Horeb; Elim: on the eastern shore of the Red Sea; Photo Gallery; Tour
Tour Itineraries – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Dec 11, 2024 · Mt. Sinai (Jabel al Lawz/Jabal Maqla): (Exodus 19:17,18) Mount Sinai is the holy place where God came, the location that served as the most solemn scene of all. Here God chose to give His Ten Commandments to His people.
About – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Starting in September of 2019 the Saudi Arabian government decided to issue visitor visas easily and to open Mountain Sinai to the public. Consequently, the public interest in the formerly veiled Mountain Sinai in Saudi has been increasing dramatically.
Split Rock of Rephidim – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
The giant split rock, the rock at Rephidim, is found in the northwest of Jabal Maqla (the Saudi name of Mount Sinai; it was discovered by Jim and Penny Caldwell in the early 1990s).
Golden Calf altar of Aaron – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
The trace of altars of burnt offerings is found right below the Mountain Sinai, presumably where there were 12 altars and the animals were sacrificed. From there you can see the peak of the mountain scorched. Approximately 6km around the corner is found an area that seems to be an ancient tomb site.
Elijah’s Cave on Munt Horeb – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Almond trees are not difficult to be spotted in the Mount Sinai. It seems that the Korean translation stating that the gold lampstands were made in the shapes of peach blossom sepals and petals, is a mistranslation.
The Land of Midian and the Red Sea – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
It is an important key to discovering the pathway of the exodus from Egypt to know where the land of Midian is. The land of Midian is where Moses ran away and settled down, and also where Jethro’s hometown was. This is precisely where Mount Sinai is located.
Elim: on the eastern shore of the Red Sea – Mount Sinai in Saudi …
The basis for this reverse-counting calculation of the length of the stay was Exodus 16:1, which states, “The whole Israelite community set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second …
The Pinnacle of The Mount Sinai – Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia
Mountain Sinai is a holy place where God came, the location that served as the most solemn scene of all, in which God chose to give His Ten Commandments to His people. The top of Jabal Maqla in Saudi Arabia has clear marks of being scorched.