How strong was Majin Vegeta compared to normal ssj2 Vegeta?
Mar 4, 2023 · I'd say it's a safe bet that SS2 Vegeta was at least a little bit stronger than Cell Games SS2 Gohan, while his post-Babidi SS2 was even with SS2 Goku and both of them were comfortably stronger than even an angry Cell Games SS2 Gohan at full power.
Super Saiyan 2 - Dragon Ball Wiki
The power of Majin Buu is shown to far surpass the power of the Super Saiyan 2 form; Vegeta inflicted little damage to the monster, and even after he expelled all of his energy at once in a devastating suicidal explosion, Majin Buu managed to fully regenerate after some time.
Was Vegeta always in SSJ2 form during the Buu Saga or did he ... - Reddit
I believe the OP was specifically asking if Vegeta was always in the Super Saiyan 2 form throughout the Buu arc, or if he only transformed to Super Saiyan 2 when we see him power up. Not whether he had access to it prior to that moment or not.
Vegeta/Power and Abilities | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Vegeta first reveals he has attained the form to match Goku's own Super Saiyan 2 coupled with his new power boost as Majin Vegeta. In Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Vegeta's Super Saiyan 2 form is referred to as Super Vegeta 2 and possess greater ki control than a regular Super Saiyan 2.
Was Majin Vegeta SSJ2 the entire time? • Kanzenshuu
Jun 15, 2015 · No, when Majin Vegeta first appeared he was Super Saiyan. There are no lightnings from there up until his fight against Goku. There's also Goku being surprised when Vegeta powered up into his Super Saiyan 2 form. If Vegeta was Super Saiyan 2 since the beginning, it would be commented or Goku would be surprised earlier.
Was vegeta stronger then ssj2 teen gohan prior to his majin boost?
Oct 16, 2023 · It's not exactly stated but I would assume no. We know Gohan is weaker than he was 7 years prior, and that Vegeta and Goku are stronger than Boo Arc Gohan. We also know that Goku and Majin Vegeta are stronger than Cell Games Gohan, but not by a huge amount as implied by Piccolo.
Did Vegeta have ss2 before being a majin - GameFAQs
He has an SS2 form, but it was too weak despite the 7 year training. It took Goku seven years of specialized training in the after life to get as strong as he did, without a living body and its...
Majin Vegeta – An in-depth look into Vegeta’s descent into …
Majin Vegeta was a persona created when Vegeta fell under the Majin Mind Manipulation spell placed on him by the evil wizard Babidi. This caused Vegeta to revert back to his old bloodthirsty self and caused him to kill hundreds of civilians in his goal of fighting Goku.
What are all of Vegeta’s forms and power-ups in order? - Epic Dope
Sep 22, 2022 · The Most Evil Form: Majin Vegeta Enters! Vegeta trains himself until he reaches 500 times the gravity of Earth. However, when he gets a glimpse of Goku’s powers, he lets the jealousy get better of him and allows Babidi to take control of him.
How far was Vegeta from Goku before he got Majinized?
Aug 15, 2023 · How much stronger do you guys think SSJ2 Goku was than SSJ2 Vegeta before he became Majin Vegeta? Personally, I think it might have been 20%. Enough to make Vegeta want a power up. If I were to put it in numbers: SSJ2 Goku = …