Types of jawfish to get | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef ...
Mar 31, 2023 · The yellow head jawfish does the best in a reef tank. The bluespot usually struggles with reef temperatures as it is a colder water species from California and Mexicos …
Yellowhead Jawfish Care Guide: tank size, feeding & more
Yellowhead jawfish are smaller than most burrowing species out there, requiring smaller tank sizes – even for a colony. You need to feed them at their burrow entrance, but yellowheads …
Jawfish - Marine Aquarium Advice
Aug 20, 2024 · This small but intriguing species can be found in the Caribbean Sea, specifically thriving in coral reefs at depths ranging from 3 to 40 meters (9.8 to 131.2 ft). They typically …
What temp do you keep tank with blue spot jawfish?
Aug 20, 2014 · Just curious some people like tanks at 80 live aquaria recommends 72-78 right now mines about 76-77 was running it at 72-74. I've had a blue spot for almost a year now. In …
Jawfish | Marine Fish - LiveAquaria
Comical, entertaining, and peaceful, Jawfish make a great addition to any saltwater community or reef aquarium. They will construct a burrow in aquarium substrate. Jawfish prefer to keep an …
Yellowheaded Jawfish caresheet - Fish Forum - Nano-Reef Community
Jul 15, 2007 · Common Name: Yellow Headed Jawfish / Yellow-headed Pearly Jawfish. Scientific name: Opistognathus aurifrons. Tank conditions: 72-82°F; sg 1.021-1.023; dKH 8-12. Origin: …
29 gallon jawfish reef tank stocking | Reef2Reef
Jan 31, 2021 · Currently setting up a 29 gallon tank intended to be a reef tank including a yellow headed jaw fish. Here is my current idea for a stocking list, though I think that it may be a little …
Blue-Spotted Jawfish Care: Opistognathus rosenblatti
Learn how to care for the blue spotted jawfish, Opistognathus rosenblatti in a saltwater aquarium: tank size, reef safe & other important facts.
Tiger Jawfish - Barrier Reef Aquariums
The Tiger Jawfish (Opistognathus randalli), also known as the Black Cap Jawfish, is a peaceful, reef safe fish. They are hardy and should be kept with other docile fish. You may keep more …
Yellowhead or Pearly Jawfish - Reefs.com
The Yellowhead Jawfish, also known as the Yellow Head Jawfish or Yellow-headed Pearly Jawfish, has a yellow head and a light blue-green body. It inhabits the sandy, rubble-strewn …