asian cuisine - Is rice supposed to be eaten with chopsticks ...
Jun 3, 2016 · Japan and China: Rice is typically short grain, and eaten with chopsticks. Some dishes where grains separate, like fried rice, are eaten with Chinese-style short porcelain spoons. Korea: Rice is typically short grain, but eaten with a long metal spoon. South-East Asia: Rice is typically medium grain (jasmine etc), and traditionally eaten by hand.
What kind of rice is used in Chinese cooking? - Seasoned Advice
Nov 10, 2010 · When Thai fragrant rice defines the image of high-end rice, the status of indica rice in the eyes of Chinese consumers has also been improved. During the period from rice to 2010s, people who like to eat indica rice will despise those who eat japonica rice. However, it is obvious that not all indica rice is as good as Thai fragrant rice.
Are egg rolls supposed to be eaten with chopsticks or hands?
May 13, 2018 · In Vietnam, we eat fried egg rolls with chopsticks. If the rolls are too big, the restaurant owner must have cut them in halves before serving. But restaurants are less likely to make big rolls. Restaurant rolls here are usually small enough to be used with chopsticks.
What is the proper/most common way to serve curry?
Jan 14, 2012 · Thai curry will tend to be eaten, as you suggested, over top of rice. Typically it is separated when it is served so the rice does not get soggy while it is waiting to be served. The rice is typically served on a plate big enough to fit both the rice and the curry. Of course, you can eat the rice and curry however you see fit.
rice - How to eat wheat as a staple? - Seasoned Advice
Sep 14, 2018 · You cook this in water or broth; it's more akin to cooking pasta than rice in that you cook in a large quantity of water and then drain, rather than in a carefully measured quantity so that it's all absorbed. It's often used in salads, but there's no reason you couldn't eat it plain as a substitute for rice.
Is expired sushi rice still good - Seasoned Advice
Aug 3, 2024 · Below are the shelf lives of each type of rice (1, 2): White rice: up to 2 years Brown rice: 3–6 months from the date of manufacture. Shelf-stable foods usually have an expiration date — often called best-by or use-by date. Still, they may be safely consumed after that date if there are no signs of deterioration on the product’s package (1).
How to prepare rice in a very real emergency - no boiling (no ...
Aug 25, 2017 · Do not eat raw rice, you might get very ill. From LiveStrong: Lectin is a protein that serves as a natural insecticide with a strong affinity for carbohydrates. Found on uncooked rice and beans, this protein is one of the top 10 causes of food poisoning and can lead to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting when eaten in abundance.
Does glutinous rice contain gluten? - Seasoned Advice
Jul 15, 2014 · Rice contains its own "glue-like" properties and proteins, but it is not the same as in wheat, barely, or rye. Rice can contain both starch and protein, same as wheat. 'Glutinous' refers to starch, not protein. So your sister-in-law is safe to eat rice, so long as she only reacts to the generic "gluten."
Is it safe to eat white rice that turned blue/purple in the fridge?
Feb 14, 2018 · There are a few forums about this you can find by Googling "white rice turns purple". For the question on whether or not it is safe to eat, since we don't have the tools to do any biological analysis to be certain it is Chromobacterium suttsuga in the rice I would recommend against eating it. Even though the papers claim this strain of bacteria ...
How can I ensure food safety if my cooking utensils have touched …
Twice in the past week or so, I've wondered whether my cooking utensil was still clean enough to cook / serve with. Here were the situations: Cooking ground sausage (no casing). While breaking the