Carberryi Anthias: Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums
Carberryi Anthias are very active marine fish that naturally help draw out shier fish that share the aquarium with them. Carberryi Anthias tend to occupy the midwater region of a tank but appreciates the availability of several hiding places.
Easiest Anthias | Reef2Reef
Apr 17, 2017 · Carberryi are hands down my favorite in personality. I had a trio about three years ago, and had one die shortly after getting them. I still have the original pair and they are super mellow and rather than the aggressive nature of some species they just swim with one another and hang out in the current.
Anthias Carberryi difficult??? - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef …
May 2, 2017 · I bought 5 Anthias Carberryi and a Tang, first fish. I read somewhere a species profile that these Anthias are among the most difficult to keep - but it didn't indicate a reason. As far as I can tell, they are eating well, swimming well - basically, doing great.
Carberry Anthias - Anthias - Anthias - Saltwater Fish
With its vibrant pink and yellow hues, the Carberry Anthias is a breathtaking addition to any saltwater aquarium. Easy to care for and peaceful, its graceful swimming and unique shape make it a standout choice for enthusiasts. With $199.00 or more in Marine Life. More details...
- Reviews: 1
Carberryi Anthias: Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums
Meet the Carberryi Anthias, a marine treasure that adds a touch of magic to coral reefs and aquariums alike. Dive into the fascinating world of Carberryi Anthias and discover their unique characteristics, behavior, and how to provide them with the best care.
Carberryi Anthias - Quality Marine
The Carberryi Anthias is also known as the Threadfin Anthias. Carberri Anthias are periodically found in the aquarium trade and are quite splendidly colored. The females have varying shades of yellow, orange and pink while males have a purplish head with yellow on its upper body and a violet color on the upper dorsal fin.
Carberryi Anthias - Saltwater Fish – Marine Collectors
Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias Carberryi) Minimum Tank Size: 70 Care Level: Moderate/ Intermediate Temperament: Semi-Agressive Reef Compatible: Yes Water conditions: Temp 72-78F, pH 7.8-8.5, Salinity 1.022-1.026 Maximum Size: 4" Diet: Carnivore Origin: Africa, Maldives Family: Serranidae
Anthias - Nemanthias carberryi - Tank Facts
The Carberryi Anthias is a stunning and popular saltwater fish that can reach a maximum length of 3 inches. It has a slender and elongated body with shades of orange, pink, and yellow, and long thread-like fins.
Threadfin Anthias / Nemanthias Carberryi | Reef2Reef
Aug 10, 2011 · SCIENTIFIC NAME - Nemanthias Carberryi COMMON NAME - Threadfin Anthias SIZE - 3.9" (10 cm) MIN. AQUARIUM SIZE - 55 US Gal. (208 L) FOODS AND FEEDING - Meaty foods for zoo plankton feeders, Mysid shrimp, vitamin enriched Brine shrimp, and frozen marine preparations, feed at least 2 times a day. REEF COMPATIBILITY - Yes
Carberryi anthias - The Dallas World Aquarium
Description: The Carberryi anthias (Nemanthias carberryi), also known as the Threadfin anthias, differ in color between the male and female. The male is purple on the head and abdomen area; its back and tail are yellow. The female varies in coloration shades of pink, orange and yellow.