Health benefits of African chewing gum - Daily Trust
Jun 12, 2018 · African Chewing gum called ‘Goron Tula’ in Hausa has been identified to have several health benefits. The fruit, which is also known as tree hibiscus, Azanza and snot apple in English, is an edible indigenous fruit widely distributed in Tula, Kaltungo Local Government Area of Gombe State and in Michika,…
Plant of the Week - African Bubblegum - Never Ending Food
Azanza garckeana (also Thespesia garckeana) is called ‘Snot Apple’ in English and ‘matowo’ in Chichewa. It has received the nickname of ‘African Bubblegum’ due to the gum-like consistency of the fruits when they are chewed. This tree is indigenous to Africa and can grow from 3 …
Thespesia garckeana - Wikipedia
Common names: African chewing gum, goron tula, snot apple, tree hibiscus, mutohwe (Shona), nkole (Sri Lanka), [2] uXakuxaku (isiNdebele) and morojwa (Setswana). nutrients present in the fruit help cleanse the body system and prevent diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and fertility challenges.
Side effects and health benefits of African Chewing Gum
Jun 6, 2021 · African chewing gum (Goron Tula) is the best remedy for male and female fertility, to increase libido and treat many diseases. It has been known for its health benefits. But widely known as an aphrodisiac and helps women achieve orgasm in bed.
African Bubblegum Tree - Thespesia garckeana - The Seedstead
The African Bubblegum Tree is a delight to any African youth that knows the sweet, sticky snotty fruit. Also known as a Snot Apple, this gives you an idea on the texture of the fruit when eaten. The taste of the fruit is somewhat like a date, sweet and sticky.
Explore the Sweet World of African Bubble Gum: Flavors and …
African bubble gum boasts a vibrant tapestry of flavors, reflecting the continent's diverse culinary traditions and local ingredients. Beyond the familiar fruity notes of strawberry, grape, and orange, African bubble gum offers a unique twist, incorporating indigenous fruits and spices.
Snot Apple or African Chewing Gum Tree – Azanza garkeana
For a valuable edible fruit, Snot Apple is not a name that makes you rush to pick and eat. However the other common name, the “African Chewing Gum tree”, does however offer a better description of what this fruit is like to eat. The tree is of the Malvaceae family, which is the hibiscus family and there is a clear resemblance in the flowers.
Chappies - Wikipedia
Chappies is a brand of bubblegum introduced in South Africa in the late 1940s. [1] In part because of its iconic "Did You Know?" facts printed inside every wrapper, Chappies has been South Africa's best-selling bubblegum for more than …
Chappies | Box Of Snacks Delivered - Try Treats
Chappies are a South African bubble gum that was first introduced in the late 1940s. Chappies grew to be so popular that the name Chappies allegedly became synonymous with the word “Gum.” Part of the reason Chappies gained its popularity was due to its business model.
Africa’s Acacia Tree: The sweet roots of chewing gum
Nov 16, 2024 · Before the bright, colorful packs of chewing gum became a staple of convenience stores worldwide, one of the earliest sources of this sweet treat came from a humble African tree. The acacia tree, native to the vast plains and forests of Africa, played a key role in the development of one of the first natural chewing gums.