AIIM 2023
All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) is a three-day national conference from 28th to 30th July 2023. Since its initiation in 2015, AIIM has provided a platform for the Indian iGEM teams to discuss, collaborate and hone their presentation skills while learning …
All India iGEM Meet 2022 | AIIM 2022 to be held at Indian Institue …
All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) is a three-day regional conference from 23rd to 25th July 2022. Since its initiation in 2015, AIIM has provided a platform for the Indian iGEM teams to discuss, collaborate and hone their presentation skills while learning …
All India iGEM Meet | IISc-Bengaluru - iGEM 2024 - 2024.igem.wiki
Every year, before The Grand Jamboree, the teams from India meet up in July to exchange ideas, conduct mock jamborees, receive constructive feedback and guidance, and ultimately refine their work before the official event. This initiative is known as the All India iGEM Meet (AIIM).
IIT Delhi-iGEM
Poster: Our team at IIT Delhi has developed an impactful poster targeting the general public, especially our student community, to raise awareness about heavy metal toxicity. Strategically placed in key locations, the poster contains a QR code that leads to our detailed pamphlet, accessible here.
IISER-Bhopal | Keratinomore - 2023.igem.wiki
AIIM provided a platform for iGEM teams from across the country to come together and exchange ideas. The meet featured a variety of events, including mock jamboree presentations, poster presentations, fireside chats, and workshops.
IISER-Bhopal | Keratinomore - 2023.igem.wiki
At AIIM, we organized an open house poster presentation for the teams participating offline. Open house poster presentation served as a project exhibition, in which students and professors learned about various iGEM Teams and their ideas.
WIKI | 2024 - 2024.igem.wiki
With 11 teams participating, the event featured engaging activities such as a mock Jamboree, poster presentations, and informal sessions. At AIIM, teams presented their projects and were evaluated by a panel of judges, providing an excellent …
iGEM Community
All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) is a three-day regional conference from 23rd to 25th July 2022. Since its initiation in 2015, AIIM has provided a platform for the Indian iGEM teams to discuss, collaborate and hone their presentation skills while learning …
AIIM 2023
Jul 28, 2023 · All India iGEM Meet (AIIM) is a three-day regional conference from 28th to 31st July 2023. Since its initiation in 2015, AIIM has provided a platform for the Indian iGEM teams to discuss, collaborate and hone their presentation skills while learning something new …
Human Practices | IISc-Software - iGEM 2024
During our poster presentation, we showcased our work to other iGEM teams and ambassadors. We received valuable constructive feedback, among which one of the suggestions was to create a narrative with engaging characters to make our project more accessible to a wider audience.