Semiconductor - Wikipedia
A semiconductor is a material that is between the conductor and insulator in ability to conduct electrical current. [1] In many cases their conducting properties may be altered in useful ways by introducing impurities (" doping ") into the crystal structure .
What is a semiconductor? An electrical engineer explains how …
Aug 10, 2022 · Semiconductor chips are electronic devices that store and process information. Today they can contain billions of microscopic switches on a chip smaller than a fingernail.
Semiconductor | Definition, Examples, Types, Uses, Materials, …
Semiconductor, any of a class of crystalline solids intermediate in electrical conductivity between a conductor and an insulator. Semiconductors are employed in the manufacture of various kinds of electronic devices, including diodes, transistors, and integrated circuits.
What Is a Semiconductor and What Is It Used for? - TechTarget
What is a semiconductor? A semiconductor is a substance that has specific electrical properties that enable it to serve as a foundation for computers and other electronic devices. It is typically a solid chemical element or compound that conducts …
半导体 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
半導體(德語: Halbleiter, 英語: Semiconductor, 法語: Semi-conducteur ),是一种电导率在绝缘体至导体之间的物质或材料。 半导体在某个温度范围内,随温度升高而增加电荷 载流子 的浓度,使得电导率上升、 电阻率 下降;在绝对零度时,成为绝缘体。
What is Semiconductors? - Types, Examples, Properties, …
May 30, 2024 · Semiconductor is a material having conductivity between a conductor and insulator. Explore the types, examples and advantages.
半导体(semiconductor)指常温下导电性能介于导体与绝缘体之间的材料。 半导体在集成电路、消费电子、通信系统、光伏发电、照明、大功率电源转换等领域都有应用,如二极管就是采用半导体制作的器件。
Semiconductors | Stanford Emerging Technology Review
4 days ago · Chiplets are small, modular chips that specialize in specific functions and can be combined in ways that deliver more energy-efficient processing power than large, monolithic chips. 3-D heterogeneous integration is a semiconductor-manufacturing technique that vertically stacks different electronic components, such as processors and memory.
什么是半导体?了解半导体特性及行业分类 - SemiUnion
Aug 19, 2020 · 半导体(Semiconductor),是指常温下导电性能介于导体(Conductor)与绝缘体(Insulator)之间的结晶固体。 Semiconductor中的Semi就是半的意思。 通常用semi或semicon这样的缩写表示semiconductor,半导体联盟就是Semiconductor Union的意思,简写SemiUnion。