Kynetec - A global leader in data, analytics & insights in …
Enabling business decisions by providing unparalleled data, analytics, and insights in agriculture, animal health and sustainability.
Experts in data, analytics and insights for agribusinesses globally
Kynetec provides agribusinesses with actionable insights to improve their businesses and bottom line. With unmatched expertise, we’re empowering transformation in the agricultural sector based on data. Unrivaled market access means Kynetec surveys hundreds of thousands of farmers and ag experts every year.. With decades of global experience, we are committed to helping …
Kynetec - Careers
Welcome to our world. Take a few moments to watch our video, meet our team and hear about working at Kynetec
About Us - Kynetec
At Kynetec, we're passionate about providing our clients with the insights and data they need to make informed decisions in the agriculture and animal health industries.
Contact Us - Kynetec
1807 Park 270 Drive, Suite 300, St. Louis, Missouri, 63146, USA. Weston Court , Weston, Newbury, Berks, RG20 8JE, UK. [email protected]
Kynetec - Case Studies
Featured case Data-driven insights save vital active ingredient, fostering collaborative decision-making in the crop protection industry
Kynetec - Team leaders
Peter is a seasoned industry leader and was appointed CEO of Kynetec in August 2024. Until June 2024, he served as a Managing Director in Private Equity at Partners Group, a global private markets investment firm, where he focused on portfolio value creation and investment sourcing in animal health and agribusiness and where he also served on the Board of Wedgewood …
Kynetec - News
Oct 10, 2024 · Latest news from Kynetec, the world's leading expert in animal health and agricultural market research.
FarmTrak: In-depth insights on country level farmer behaviors
Make confident customer-driven decisions that drive growth with Kynetec's FarmTrak Farmer Panel Tracking Studies - the trusted source of market intelligence for top-performing agribusinesses worldwide.
Kynetec - VetoStat Connect with your CRM and BI tools, sales data …
VetoStat aggregates your monthly sales-in data f rom multiple channels such as veterinary wholesalers, livestock wholesalers, pharmaceutical distributors, direct sales and retail wholesalers e.g. Petshops, DIY stores and Garden Centers, delivering your sales-in data at a veterinary practice level.. VetoStat enables smarter selling. As open-source data, VetoStat can feed into …