SPEAKER: Improving SARS-CoV-2 Drug Development: Using AI and Molecular Dynamics to Understand Mutations and Resistance, Yang Li, Global Health Discovery Institute (GHDDI) SPEAKER: Image-based Deepp ...
The memorial to Albert Einstein, situated in an elm and holly grove in the southwest corner of the Academy grounds, was unveiled at the Academy's annual meeting, April 22, 1979, in honor of the ...
Meave Leakey is a research professor in the Department of Anthropology, Stony Brook University, Director of Plio-Pleistocene research at the Turkana Basin Institute, Kenya, Explorer-in Residence at ...
Mark Johnson is the Arthur T. Kemp Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Yale University. Johnson is known the development and exploitation of experimental methods that capture and structurally ...
I have spent most of my research career studying basic mechanisms of regulation of immune response. In particular, I have been interested in how different classes of both B and T lymphocyte responses ...
Fisher's research has focussed on exotic phenomena in strongly interacting many-body quantum systems, especially electrons and spins in crystalline solids. Examples include the fractional quantum Hall ...
A hydrologist and fluid mechanicist by training, Rinaldo studies fundamental hydrologic controls on biota by mathematical methods, field observations and laboratory experiments. Examples include the ...
I'm probably best described as a geobiologist. In earlier work, I studied the fates of organic carbon, Fe and sulfur in marine sediments. This turned out to be relevant for understanding the long-term ...
The James Prize in Science and Technology Integration honors outstanding contributions made by researchers who are able to adopt or adapt information or techniques from outside their fields, and thus ...
Dr. Barillas-Mury heads the Mosquito Immunity and Vector Competence Section of the Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). She is recognized for her work ...
I am theoretical physicist interested in the qualitative understanding of the macroscopic and collective properties of condensed matter systems, and on the relation between this and the microscopic ...
I lived my first decade in suburban and rural Iowa but spent most of my teen and adult years in southern California. My degrees are in geology from UC Riverside and Stanford, and I was a professor of ...