Contemporary research on poverty tends to adopt one of two approaches. The first, based in political economy, is policy-driven, in line with the latest World Bank prescriptions; it operates a closed ...
About a year ago, the New York Review of Books devoted its pages to an interesting exchange on the question of who was to blame for the collapse of the Camp David peace talks between Barak and Arafat, ...
The story goes that fanatical Japanese militarists pressured the unwilling Emperor Hirohito into World War II, with a suicidal zeal that it took two atom bombs to destroy; and that American democracy ...
Iundertook to write this obituary of Louis Althusser for the alumni of the École Normale Supérieure in 1993, nearly three years after the thinker’s death; and not without hesitations and ...
The real merit of the critique made by Margaret Coulson, Branka Magaš and Hilary Wainwright of my analysis of domestic labourfootnote 1 is that it focusses discussion about the strategic relation of ...
Hard on the heels of Lukács’s two books, The Historical Novel (1962) and The Meaning of Contemporary Realism (1963), comes Ernst Fischer’s The Necessity of Art: a Marxist Approach. Divided between two ...
The family of Khalilullah Rezai occupies a special place in the tormented annals of Iran’s revolution. During the reign of the Shah, Mr Rezai’s children were actively involved in supporting the ...
The title Traces footnote 1 mobilizes for the purposes of philosophical theory the primary experiences derived from reading Red Indian stories. A broken twig, a footprint on the ground, speak volumes ...
The feuilletons of Western Europe, pale shades of their former selves, still occasionally allow an argument to pinball around the continent. In March 2013, two months after the eu’s Fiscal Compact ...
In many respects, the emergence of neoliberalism since the mid-1970s has enhanced the legibility of capitalist social relationships.footnote 1 New disciplines have been imposed on both workers and ...
Jurists were once revered as priests, high guardians of the law endowed, in the Roman adage, with ‘knowledge of what is equitable and just’. If such dicta continue to adorn many a courthouse and ...
We now know that this was a tragic delusion, and that after two ‘development decades’ most people in sub-Saharan Africa are poorer than they were thirty years ago, while a chronic dependence on ‘aid’ ...