The inaugural Walk of Love Gathering held at The Hubs Vine on Saturday, March 1, was a resounding success in its mission to ...
The population of seniors living alone is rising amid mounting concerns about their nest eggs, Social Security, and Medicaid.
The Widows Empowerment Program theme is, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress" The PS has cautioned against sensationalising the matter, saying a team is on ground to get accurate details.
The Irigwe Development Association, IDA, Women Wing said that the attacks that have befallen the Irigwe Chiefdom in Bassa LGA of Plateau State in the last few years have left 452 widows.
The Senior Connection Speakers Bureau will present “Financial Confidence for Widows/Widowers” 11 a.m. Thursday, March 13, at Las Fuentes Resort, 1035 Scott Drive, Prescott (off Ruth Street ...
It’s unlikely the public will ever see any of these records. The man whose wife died from severe food allergies after eating at a Disney Springs restaurant is fighting to get recipes, the fryer ...
Officials of the Widowers Empowerment Programme say many of the senior citizens are neglected, despite having grown-up children. Director Samuel Okombo said many widowers remain lonely as their ...
You’re just trying to listen and understand. Model Healthy Coping Skills “I encourage all parents when chatting with a teen that’s moody or angry to be a model of good emotional regulation,” White ...
Coping with these emotions can be scary, so it is important to obtain professional help. Journal your thoughts. Research by Speera and Pennebaker has shown that expressive writing about job loss ...
Living with manic episodes can be stressful, but thoughtful planning and treatment can help you learn to manage these symptoms. Bipolar disorder can cause you to experience episodes of extreme ...
Coping with stroke requires adjustments, whether the effects are comparatively minor and short-lived, or the complications cause severe impacts to speech, mobility, mental health, and more. Lifestyle ...