Whatever happened to the 'England of Fair Play'? That was the line which leapt out at me from The Mail on Sunday's report about a nurse disciplined for 'misgendering' a convicted paedophile.
The words we choose shape how people are seen and treated. A single word can shift relationships, change systems, and even alter history.
Elphie” the fifth book in the Wicked Years series by Gregory Maguire, explores the earlier moments in Elphaba's life that led ...
Filmmaker Joshua Sowdon’s The Book of the Witch features gorgeous cinematography, a fantastic score, and a terrifying-looking ...
It has only been five weeks and 10 episodes, but "The Witch" is already over. While we'll miss watching Roh Jeong Eui and ...
"Witchcraft for Wayward Girls" is, in its most basic form, about unwed teenage mothers who are sent away to a "home" in ...
Casagrande suggests that writers give some thought before they use the word "re" because it could be distracting to their ...
In addition to de-cluttering and scouring your home, tarot reader and author Kerry Ward suggests cleansing your ethereal and ...
The Witch had its finale with episode 10. After a difficult journey towards helping Park Mi-Jeong find a happy life, Lee Dong ...
As Broadway prepares to reckon with the effect of McCarthyism on journalism in the new drama, Good Night and Good Luck, go ...
Rob Zombie is here to make learning fun.The "Dragula" rocker has announced Z is for Zombie, a spelling book based around his ...
Exec produced by Sean Penn, the film is based on the life of murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya and stars Maxine ...