"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what ...
In 'The Brutalist,' the fictional Tóth pioneered Brutalism in Philadelphia. In real life, it was architects like William ...
One of the most acclaimed movies of 2024 is about a Jewish architect and Holocaust survivor who settles in Philadelphia.
The first-time Golden Globe winner, now 51, is creating a lot of buzz as a frontrunner for the much-coveted Oscar after his portrayal of Laszlo Toth, a Hungarian-Jewish architect who immigrates to ...
It is perhaps this return to the cinematic spectacle of the mid-20th century that has made some view The Brutalist ’s use of an AI speech-enhancing software as some sort of betrayal to the craft and ...
Awards season favorite The Brutalist has come under fire for its use of generative AI. However, there are question marks ...
If there’s anything “The Brutalist” is, it’s ambitious. Following visionary architect László Toth (Adrien Brody) through some ...
Köztudott, hogy az ismert televíziós műsorvezető számára nem ismeretlen terep a labdarúgás, éppen ezért vállalta el 2021-ben a Puskás Akadémia kommunikációs és marketing igazgatói pozícióját. Akkor ...
European Cup / EHF Champions League 2022/23 - 3rd place European Cup / EHF Champions League 2021/22 - 2nd place European Cup / EHF Champions League 2020/21 - 3rd place European Cup / EHF Champions ...
Miután a magyar állam többségi tulajdonába került a GySEV (Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút Zrt.), változott a cég vezetése. Az igazgatóság elnöke Mosóczi László, a MÁV-csoport vasúti személyszállító ...