Maharashtra schools must perform Surya Namaskar and host yoga activities on February 4 for World Surya Namaskar Day, promoting health and well-being.
Finding a practice that promotes tranquillity and mindfulness is essential in a world that often feels frenetic and ...
Surya Namaskar consists of 10 poses i.e. Pranamasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Hasta Padasna, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalasana, Tadasana.
Yoga, pranayama, meditation and cleansing techniques work together to strengthen immunity and improve overall health in a ...
Whether you practice it during the day or under the moonlight, Chandra Namaskar invites harmony into your life, offering a beautiful escape from the busyness of everyday existence.
Discover how a quick 10-minute yoga routine can supercharge your morning, get your body moving, and boost your physical and ...
In Vedic astrology, Surya or the planet Sun is the king of navagrahas and the lord of the Simha zodiac sign. The Sun is the soul of the universe and governs our consciousness. Sun is in Makara rashi ...
One of the most basic functions of a fitness tracker though is steps – literally counting how many times you put each foot in front of the other throughout the day when walking or running.
Bhopal: Schools across the state will organise mass Surya Namaskar sessions to celebrate National Youth Day on Jan 12 on Swami Vivekananda jayanti. Chief minister Mohan Yadav will join students ...
Surya Namaskar during Brahma Muhurta is a full-body workout including physical, mental, and spiritual elements. Stretches of all major body parts, with the help of this sequence, improve digestion ...