Robert Fico a Andrej Danko, ktorí si kampaň postavili na zlepšovaní vzťahov s Ruskom, sa prihlásili k Západu a jeho najdôležitejším organizáciám. Politickí lídri v spoločnom vyhlásení, ktoré podporilo ...
Premiér SR Robert Fico (Smer-SD) v piatok neplánuje ísť do Kyjeva, aby rokoval o zastavenom tranzite ruského plynu cez Ukrajinu. Myslí si to podpredseda Národnej rady SR Tibor Gašpar (Smer-SD), ...
Robert Fico rozohral politický plán ... Vo filme, ktorý o ňom vznikol, ho hrá počítačom vygenerovaná opica. Má jeho hlas a po pár minútach si publikum už ani nevie predstaviť, že by mohol mať nejakú ...
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico looks set to survive an upcoming no-confidence vote after rebel lawmakers in one ruling coalition party said they would not support the motion. Opposition parties ...
The education minister and minister of the interior have headed to the scene, and Prime Minister Robert Fico has expressed his condolences to the survivors. The attack took place in Spisska Stara ...
(Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico looks set to survive an upcoming no-confidence vote after rebel lawmakers in one ruling coalition party said they would not support the motion.
Slovakia's Fico Set to Survive No-Confidence Vote as Coalition Rebels Say They'll Back Him (Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico looks set to survive an upcoming no-confidence vote after ...
Slovakia's opposition parties will call a no-confidence vote against the government, a party chief said on Tuesday, accusing Prime Minister Robert Fico of dragging foreign policy closer to Russia ...
The entire opposition has united against the head of the Slovak government. The Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico, who met with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in Moscow in December, is facing ...
Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy has invited Robert Fico for face-to-face talks in Kyiv, effectively rejecting a proposal put forward by the Slovak prime minister to resolve an ongoing dispute ...