Browser Use, the 'agentic' framework used by Manus, among other platforms, has raised $17 million from investors including ...
March 24 is National Cocktail Day. One Local woman started a business that will elevate your cocktails, from a simple glass of champagne to a spritzer. Brit Grosenick started ...
Samsung has added a new feature to Samsung Internet on One UI 7, to help you avoid CAPTCHAs. Here's how it works.
Econ­o­mist Dr Mar­lene Attzs says Prime Min­is­ter Stu­art Young’s de­ci­sion to speak with lead­ers of com­mer­cial banks on the coun­try’s for­eign ex­change is­sues is a good start, but the ...
Everyone has different security concerns, and the best privacy browsers offer various levels of tracking protection to ...
Lance Allan joins Brewers' broadcasters Jeff Levering and Lane Gridle as they prepare for a new season behind the mic without their legendary late coworker Bob Uecker.
Unfortunately, an addition to the iPhone version of Safari in iOS 18.4 makes that a little harder to do. Safari now lists all ...
Every web browser promises boosts to your productivity and give a better internet browsing experience, but a few deliver. The ...
The Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Work­ers’ Union (CWU) says it plans to write to new­ly-ap­point­ed Pub­lic Util­i­ties Min­is­ter Colm Im­bert, in an at­tempt to get res­o­lu­tion to sev­er­al out­stand­ing ...
I don't normally do app reviews, but. I discovered two apps that have improved my life immensely, Kagi Search and Zen Browser ...
The browser has evolved from a simple web rendering engine to be the new “endpoint” — the primary gateway through which users ...
In our weekly late night TV recap John Mulaney returns, John Oliver takes on sports betting, Michael Kosta talks tennis, and ...