Iconic animated comedy series "South Park" unleashed an Ozempic-themed episode Friday that featured Cartman's mother and a friend named Sharon, who can't afford name brand GLP-1 meds Ozempic or ...
Lizzo is reacting to South Park’s reference to her in their special episode about weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro. The body positivity singer took to social media to blindly react to ...
Warning: This article contains profanity. Lizzo appeared to be left stunned after “South Park” referenced the singer in an episode satirizing the increasing popularity of weight-loss drugs ...
Lizzo is breaking her silence about the bombshell harassment lawsuit from her ex-dancers to clear the air and her name. The “Truth Hurts” singer recently returned to the scene following a much ...
Lizzo re-recorded the lyric following pleas from her fans and disability advocates Pop star Lizzo has changed the lyrics to her latest song after fans complained it used an ableist slur.
Lizzo is sending a positive message to her social media followers to kick off the new year. The “Good as Hell” singer, 36, who embarked on a weight-loss journey in recent years, shared a video ...
Streaming star Kai Cenat gave Lizzo a warm welcome during her debut Twitch livestream by gifting her 50 subs. On January 19, rapper and singer Lizzo officially made her debut on Twitch with her ...
Summertime is here, and Lizzo’s meeting the moment with an album that’s ready-made for the heat. Three years since her debut album, “Cuz I Love You”, she’s back with the follow-up ...
Lizzo has spoken up regarding the harassment cases filed against her last year. The Grammy winner was accused by multiple people of harassment in the workplace, including claims from three of her ...
Lizzo is ready to address some rumours – and she’s bringing Cardi B along for the ride. In an interview with Young Post, the 33-year-old American singer, whose music videos have racked up ...