Dilansir detikNews, Selasa (21/1/2025), saat berbicara di depan tamu undangan itu miliarder AS itu melakukan gerakan tangan yang disebut menyerupai salam hormat Nazi. Sontak gerakan tangan Elon Musk ...
Saat berbicara di hadapan para pendukung Donald Trump di Washington, gerakan tangan Elon Musk menyerupai salam Nazi. TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, Washington DC - Saat berbicara di hadapan para pendukung Donald ...
Rudi masih menggunakan pakaian polo t-shirt berwarna biru dongker dengan tangan tak diborgol oleh tim penyidik. Terpantau Rudi mengenakan masker. Saat ditanyai awak media, Rudi tak menjawab dan hanya ...
Lebanon's prime minister-designate, Nawaf Salam, has pledged to focus on modernising the nation amid ongoing crises. His priorities include rebuilding after a year-long conflict with Israel and ...
KOMPAS.com - Hakim Mahkamah Internasional (ICJ) Nawaf Salam ditunjuk sebagai Perdana Menteri (PM) Lebanon oleh presiden terpilih Joseph Aoun, Senin (13/1/2025). Nawaf Salam adalah seorang ahli hukum ...
As Prime Minister-designate Nawaf Salam begins the process of forming a government in a country with deep religious divisions, he says: 'I am not of those who exclude but those who unite' [Anwar ...
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Jan. 13 (UPI) --Nawaf Salam, the head of the International Court of Justice, was named Monday as Lebanon's new Prime Minister after he won the support of 84 parliamentarians in ...
Factbox-Who Is Nawaf Salam, Lebanon's New Prime Minister-Designate? BEIRUT (Reuters) - President Joseph Aoun summoned jurist Nawaf Salam on Monday to designate him as Lebanon's prime minister ...
ALBAWABA- Nawaf Salam has secured the backing of a majority of Lebanese MPs, positioning him as Lebanon's next prime minister. With no less than 70 parliamentary votes, Salam is set to form the ...
The BepiColombo spacecraft has sent back some incredibly detailed images of Mercury’s north pole. The snapshots were collected during its closest ever flyby of our solar system’s smallest planet.