Oh Kumbaya! There is common ground for those who voted for, or against, Donald Trump to be President of the United States again. First, we can all agree that he won the election. Second, Kamala ...
April, crews will begin work to improve the Mark Twain Memorial Bridge on Interstate 72 near Hannibal. For a while, both ...
The new Ben Sapp Memorial Trail will be a 1.1-mile hiking-only trail that traverses woodlands and prairie features. The team ...
In President Donald Trump’s idealized framing, the United States was at its zenith in the 1890s, when top hats and shirtwaists were fashionable and typhoid fever often killed more so ...
China, a Big Tech book about threats, a study of the American right: the New York Times adults’ bestseller list for the week ...
Texans love to talk about the weather using phrases that mix real meteorology, folklore, adages and plenty of hyperbole to ...
NewsCap revisits some of the biggest stories of the week from Arizona and beyond. To talk about a congressional candidate ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Paris Lions Club scheduled the Annual Turkey Hunt for disabled persons, which will be held at Mark Twain Lake.
My lenses focus on the irrational natural: The universes’ cities beckon: I focus: Mark Twain’s “Two Ways of Seeing a River” ...