When the dog barked. The example of an independent clause above, “The dog barked,” is a simple sentence. Simple sentences can also be longer than this; as long as a sentence consists of only an ...
The second step is to eliminate unnecessary words and make your writing simple, concise, and direct ... but uses wordy expressions that may still overwhelm general readers. The sentences are numbered ...
In English, our sentences usually operate using a similar pattern: subject, verb, then object. The nice part about this type of structure is that it lets your reader easily know who is doing the ...
The three main types of sentences are simple, compound and complex. All three have an equally important role in writing. He walked quickly back to the house. Simple sentences are important for ...
The three main types of sentences are simple, compound and complex. All three have an equally important role in writing. He walked quickly back to the house. Simple sentences are important for ...