WhatsApp has added a new shortcut to its interface that enables users to open a conversation with Meta AI from the chats tab, ...
WhatsApp has rolled out a new shortcut to easily access a conversation with Meta AI from the Chats tab, making it more visible and user-friendly. This feature is part of the latest WhatsApp beta ...
If you plan to celebrate Christmas with your friends and family, then WhatsApp is one of the finest ways to do so. WhatsApp stickers are a popular way to convey festive greetings, including Merry ...
Meta-owned WhatsApp ... chat list interface brings a more organised layout, with key filters such as “Favourites” and “Various Conversations” prominently displayed at the top of the screen.
WHATSAPP has begun testing a new feature for group chats where users will be able to see how many of the group are online. It is the silent observer’s worst nightmare, and makes it nearly ...
Sarah Beeny and her husband Graham Swift have spent years creating the perfect home for them and their four boys, and the ...
Whether you’re moving from the best Android phones or have never used a smartphone before, loading up your very first iPhone ...
WhatsApp is introducing a new shortcut to directly engage with Meta AI, making the feature more accessible and user-friendly ...
WhatsApp is introducing ... at the top of the screen for quick access. Below these, a new button enables users to create custom chat lists more seamlessly. The updated design aligns with ...
Popular social media site, WhatsApp, is introducing a ... change pertaining to the organisation of the chat list interface. At the top of the screen, filters such as ‘Favourites’ and ...