The best-selling author discusses books by writers who didn’t publish much, and how they helped shape his career.
The Technological Republic. By Alexander Karp and Nicholas Zamiska. Crown Currency; 320 pages; $30. Bodley Head; £25 ...
Here are 10 books whose heat emanates from every page ... An odd-couple pair of retired Texas Rangers are its gunslinging heroes, a quixotic mission to drive an unruly cattle herd from Texas ...
Longevity hacks are all the rage in Silicon Valley. But after two years of self-experimentation, a scientist found only a few worth doing.
Nobody can take the experience away from us who have attended this school. Not the books we’ve read, the friends we’ve made ...
In "Superbloom," Nicholas Carr laments that we live in a state of uncontrollable sensory and communication overload.
THE thing about respect is that it has to be earned. It cannot be demanded at gunpoint (literally or figuratively) by issuing ...
Andrea Evangelina Rodríguez Perozo, the Dominican Republic’s first female doctor, raised the funds to set sail for Paris so ...
When a puppy named Huey arrived via cross-continental flight in the arms of his daughter, David Rubin was skeptical. But Huey ...