Aristotle Dumas is Cane Ashby. What finally tipped us off? Billy's conversation with Phyllis. He mentioned that Dumas is "the ...
In 1933, the Ebell of Los Angeles commissioned frescoes by renowned muralist Maxine Albro. Two years later — after ...
Francois worked as a painter and Dorothy a nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital, the towering Spanish Renaissance building on the ...
UCLA Health researchers say study findings uncover Huntington's disease mechanisms and pave new ways to develop treatments.
Millions of years ago, a group of adventurous iguanas, probably from Mexico, crossed the Pacific Ocean to Fiji on giant rafts ...
One of the major proteins linked to the condition is now better understood.
Herbig-Haro 49/50, aka the 'Cosmic Tornado', as seen by Spitzer in January 2006. The source of the 'tornado', a Class 1 ...
On Monday night, several people witnessed a mysterious blue spiral in the sky. The image lasted only a few minutes, but ...
Despite multiple attempts to identify her, the Jane Doe found on a cliff in Tiburon remained a mystery for nearly six decades ...
Scientists at Princeton University have made a groundbreaking discovery in quantum materials, revealing that electron energy ...
One day he noticed some tingling in his fingers. He thought it might be from all the hours typing at work, but then it ...