A new bill in the Idaho Legislature would require all public schools to display the Ten Commandments. The proposal marks an effort from Christian Republican lawmakers in the state to push religion ...
PIKESVILLE, Maryland — The Decalogue, which most people mistakenly call “The Ten Commandments,” is contained in the fifth Exodus biblical portion, Yitro, which Moses repeats with many ...
A state senator, Phil King, introduced a bill Monday requiring schools to display the Ten Commandments in classrooms. Another ...
Passing 10 Commandments legislation is such a high priority that Texas Republicans are so serious about that Patrick gave the ...
Regardless, Collis said parties on both sides of the school prayer and Ten Commandments bills would likely try to get the Supreme Court to “bite off on it.” Efforts to challenge related bills ...
The custom of including the Ten Commandments as part of the Shema was once widespread, but from a certain point in time it was systematically opposed by the Sages. Why did they object to it?
"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress," –Ronald Reagan ...
A Dallas-area pastor is challenging Christians to rethink their position on whether to support placing the Ten Commandments ...
Thirty-seven representatives voted Monday against a contentious bill that would have required the Ten Commandments in all ...
The Historical Education Displays Act, a new Senate proposal, would give school boards the ability to put the Ten Commandments in public classrooms.
Parshah Yitro is replete with spiritual jewels we could discuss. Among the treasures here are learning the names of Moses’ ...