A New Exodus
The Dispatch is a new digital media company providing engaged citizens with fact-based reporting and commentary, informed by ...
Not just any oil was suitable for use in the Temple Menorah. The Torah stipulates that ... so that it will “raise up a constant flame” (Exodus 27:20). Why does the Torah use this unusual ...
The seventh Exodus portion, Terumah (25:1-27:19), is ... In the days of the temples and today, it was and is the seven-branch menorah, the candelabrum. It is not the eight-branch menorah of ...
(Shemot/Exodus 27: 20-21) Could the Torah be any more ... In other words, the Israelites are commanded to have the Menorah burning IN THE MISHKAN … FOR ALL TIME. Clearly it was a colossal ...
As well, the menorah, a seven branched candelabrum, was considered a stylized tree of life, which is made clear in the description of it given in Exodus 25:31-40. Every temple, however ...
PIKESVILLE, Maryland — The seventh Exodus portion, Terumah (25:1-27:19 ... In the days of the temples and today, it was and is the seven-branch menorah, the candelabrum. It is not the eight ...
GUILFORD, CT (WFSB) - Two men were arrested last week for allegedly damaging a Hanukkah menorah at the Guilford Town Green on Jan. 5. The suspects were identified as Steven Prinz Jr., 25 ...
When Sheila Dressner first walked through the doors to Temple Menorah-Keneseth Chai in Northeast Philadelphia in 1980, she was in the process of finding a synagogue for her and her family to join. On ...
This was duplicated in the Mishkan by the Aron, Menorah and the Shulchan. So, according to the Ramban, the Mishkan was in fact culmination of the Geulah. In this week’s shiur I would like to ...