"No matter how late you may have stayed out celebrating New Year’s Eve, remember that January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God," the Providence Diocese wrote on their website.
by Father Johann Roten, S.M. The title "Mother of ... knowledge of God. The more ardent the love, the more fervent the prayer. The more perfect the love, the holier the life. A holy life can be many ...
For example in the New Testament, Jesus reflects that face of incarnate mercy of God. In many parables ... One that stands out during this year is Mary, Mother of Mercy and her Immaculate Heart. She ...
According to the Catholic Church's calendar of saints, January 1st is a day of joy, dedicated to Mary, Mother of God. On this special day, set aside some time to pray with faith and joy, thanking ...
Jesus highlights a new relationship between Mother and Son, the whole truth and reality of which he solemnly confirms. One can say that if Mary's motherhood of the human race had already been ...
In this Sunday’s Gospel passage of the Wedding Feast at Cana, there is a theological portrait of both Mother Mary ... that day by God. In this sense, Mary is also the new Eve.
She identified herself as the ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God ... the understanding of the true God, for whom we live. At that time, in the year fifteen hundred and thirty one ...