Leaders from First Nations communities in Manitoba have voted in a new head of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs.
First Nations leaders are to choose a new head for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs after the sudden death of Cathy Merrick ...
Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew said Wednesday he still hopes Canada can avoid United States tariffs, but the country will have to ...
The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs has elected Kyra Wilson, a former chief of Long Plain First Nation, as its new leader, ...
Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew says he's hoping Canada can still avoid United States tariffs but our country can't be a punching ...
Kyra Wilson, the former chief of Long Plain First Nation has claimed the spot that became vacant after the sudden passing of ...
However, Manitoba’s anti-scab labour law goes a step further by banning employees from working during a strike, and this ...
A Manitoba law that prevents employees from crossing a picket line during a strike could be unconstitutional. Brandon Trask, ...
The Manitoba government is running an advertising campaign to tout a freeze on electricity rates even though the freeze has ...
A plaque commemorating the official closure of the Manitoba Developmental Centre was unveiled Thursday at the legislature in front of more than 100 guests, many of whom were former residents.