FOXY: African American Male ... An artist, fiercely talented, head in the clouds, dreamy, sensitive, driven, in love with the world, a little useless around the house. OLGA: Tanya's sister ...
The boy found the handgun under the driver's seat of his parents' car. A 4-year-old boy named Chosen Morris has died after accidentally shooting himself in the head with a handgun he found in his ...
A runner whose baton collided with another runner's head says it was accidental. Two high school runners are speaking out after a now-viral video showed one track star hitting her competitor in ...
The nailed head ritual may have been as a way to intimidate their enemies and celebrate their ancestors. The findings published in the April 2025 issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science ...
Fronting an Estimates hearing on Wednesday, Secretary of Defence Greg Moriarty said “much has occurred” since he last appeared before the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation ...
Gene Hackman’s wife was found mummified and bloated when the two were discovered dead with their dog in their multimillion-dollar New Mexico home — and the maintenance workers who initially ...
Lara Castleton, U.S. head of portfolio construction and strategy at Janus Henderson Investors, said the jobs data would probably ease “overly sour expectations” about the economy.
In his first three weeks, President Trump has pushed the government’s checks and balances designed to limit executive power. Here’s a look at how the system works, what’s happening now, and ...
"People who don't know Grimsby think it's in the name Grim," Martin says. "But everything for me and my family revolved around Grimsby. "Whether it was shopping down Cleethorpes front or going to ...
The NZDF also observed further Chinese drills on Saturday. Meanwhile, the head of the Defence Department opened the estimates hearing warning of an increasingly “uncertain world” amid recent ...
Here is your 2025 hard rock + metal album release calendar and all of this week's newest albums! Each week is loaded with new rock and metal releases and keeping track of it all can be pretty ...
The man has been left with deep lacerations to his leg and face. He also suffered a head injury during the incident. The incident occurred at around 8pm on North Queen Street last night ...