As the largest rodent ever in North America, the giant beaver also would have existed with the first people ever to settle in ...
Giant Beavers the Size of Black Bears Once Roamed North America Vanished Suddenly 10,000 Years Ago, Scientists Know Why Giant ...
Sponsored by Rep. Andrew Myers, R-Tonka Bay, H.F. 791 would designate Castoroides ohioensis, better known as the giant beaver ...
The dog training business and coffee store faces a trademark lawsuit from Texas’s beloved convenience store chain for being a ...
Buc-ee's is suing another small business in Missouri over logo and brand name similarities. Barc-ee's is the latest in a ...
From left to right: Paleontologist Alex Hastings holds up a fossil of a giant beaver's head on Sunday at Bad Weather Brewing in St. Paul. Paleontologist Alex Hastings held up a fossilized animal ...
A teenager and his grandpa go trotlining for catfish on the Big Piney, and end up catching a giant smallmouth bass instead.
On March 24, 2015, a Germanwings plane carrying 150 people, including German high school students, crashed in the French Alps ...
Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc. breaks ground on an $86M factory in Beaver County, PA, creating 200 jobs and boosting the energy sector.
Four Pennsylvania Lottery winners will split a $150,000 jackpot prize. The Pennsylvania Lottery said three jackpot-winning ...
Many racers at the World Cup finals are donning an extra layer of protection under their race suits to guard against the ...