This is the moment the crowd sang Calon Lân as they waited to see the Prince and Princess of Wales. A group of children in the crowd at Pontypridd started to sing the beloved Welsh hymn and that ...
This is the moment the crowd sang Calon Lân as they waited to see the Prince and Princess of Wales. A group of children in the crowd at Pontypridd started to sing the beloved Welsh hymn and that ...
Britain’s Got Talent 2023 semi-finalists, Johns’ Boys Welsh Male Voice Choir bring their unique show to Aberystwyth.
They will also perform the Welsh hymn Calon Lan and Ennio Morricone’s Italian song, Nella Fantasia. From young men of all ...
At the Guildhall, crowds gathered as musician Andy Hickie sang the Welsh national anthem and the ever-popular hymn Calon Lân, which dates back to the 1890s. Mayor Blackmore told the crowd ...
This is the heartwarming moment, a crowd waiting to see the prince and princess of Wales while they visited businesses in the Pontypridd Market, group of children started singing Calon Lân, which ...
Bandarlampung (ANTARA) - Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) memutuskan mendiskualifikasi Aries Sandi Darma Putra sebagai calon bupati Pesawaran pada Pilkada serentak 2024 karena tidak memenuhi syarat pencalonan ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Penerimaan pendaftaran atau penggantian pasangan calon sesuai amar putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) berlangsung secara akumulatif selama 20 hari, mulai 4 Maret 2025. "Di mana KPU ...