Caps involve building local streets, green spaces or other new features over the top of portions of the roadway that run below street level.
Rachel Nieves is the co-owner of Buddies Coffee, one of the few and newest Puerto Rican-owned coffee shops in Williamsburg.
A controversial development is moving forward in Brooklyn's Windsor Terrace after a recent City Council approval.
Activewear imprint Lululemon is a frequent tripper’s North Star, or so swears this stylish jet-setter who looks to the luxe ...
But hidden in Brooklyn’s Red Hook neighborhood sits Hometown Bar-B-Que, a smoke-filled paradise that’s changing what New ...
Hometown Bar-B-Que isn’t just another spot in New York’s endless culinary parade – it’s become the unlikely epicenter of a ...
Located near where Dock Street turns into Wrightsville Avenue, this early Wilmington suburb dates to about 1906. Another ...
The cafe’s coquito latte, which became a viral hit — as highlighted in the New York Times’ profile on small business owners — ...
Ms. Minier and her son live in the Sunset Park Library and Apartments in Brooklyn, which opened in ... She’s lived in the neighborhood for 20 years and she’s been going to the library since ...
Twenty twenty-five was slated to be an iconic year for the Brooklyn Museum—the institution is celebrating its 200th anniversary, for which it planned an entire year of special events and an ...
Much of the plan hinged on city planners’ recommendations to rezone most of Broadway to B3-5, or community shopping district, and C1-5, neighborhood commercial district, to allow for more dense ...