Q: In March and April there are little mounds of red dirt all over my lawn. I have seen little yellowish bees going down in the mounds. What do you suggest I use to eliminate the bees? — Gracie ...
Cherry blossoms are a vibrant sight in the spring. Where are the best places to see them in Georgia? When will they bloom?
Liam Sisson wants to teach you about bees. This 19-year-old University of British Columbia science student from Kelowna, B.C.
The upstairs conference room of the Urbana Regional Library was abuzz on Sunday with talk of pollinator-friendly gardening practices. Maryland is home to more than 400 species of bees and more than ...
The estimate of 5.5 million species of insects is interesting. What’s even more remarkable is that because scientists have ...
It’s finally beginning to feel like spring is around the corner at Audubon Community Nature Center. Plants are beginning to ...
One in Five Pollinators at Risk : 22.6% of assessed species face elevated extinction risk, underscoring an urgent need for conservation. Bees Most Threatened : 34.7% of assessed native bee species are ...
Many delicious vegetable crops can be grown in raised beds, but some are better suited than others. Consider the overall size ...
In January 2023, buying and selling the tree officially became illegal in Ohio, and for a number of reasons. The tree is native to China and was brought over in the early 1900s to replace another type ...
Do you enjoy spending time bird-watching in the spring? If so, learn how to attract these little birds to your garden.
Celebrating Earth Month all year round, Nature Collective celebrates nature by hosting four free events in April, including a ...
The UC Master Gardeners of Butte County are part of the University of California Cooperative Extension system, serving our ...