Skiers and snowboarders may find themselves sporting a sunburn after a day on the slopes. Increased sun exposure at higher ...
Albedo, soon to be the first commercial company ... AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development.
SpaceX launched the Transporter-13 rideshare mission on Friday, March 14, at 11:43 PM PDT (06:43 UTC on March 15) from SLC-4E ...
Albedo, soon to be the first commercial company to operate ... AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development. For ...
The amount of radiation reflected is known as albedo. Having lots of fresh snow increases albedo because the sun penetrates into the powder, reflecting off the small, newly fallen crystals.
Uranus radiates more energy than it gets from the sun, two new studies find — just as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune do.
Ice is diminishing rapidly in both polar zones, changing planetary albedo, and methane outgassing ... old process" by the International Arctic Science Committee and Scientific Committee on ...
Albedo inherently collects atomic oxygen sensor ... AFRL provides a diverse portfolio of science and technology ranging from fundamental to advanced research and technology development.
On decadal timescales, the loss of Arctic ice favors the climate of the south-west of the United States -- and California in particular -- becoming drier on average, especially in winter. This ...