Ia menambahkan bahwa program Daurah Tahfidz lebih difokuskan pada motivasi dan peningkatan hafalan Al-Qur'an, sedangkan ...
Setelah peristiwa Isra, Nabi Muhammad SAW melanjutkan perjalanan Mi'raj, yakni perjalanan menembus lapisan-lapisan langit ...
Sebagaimana dikatakan dalam sebuah hadits, Rasulullah bersabda: Syekh Sulaiman bin Umar al-Jamal (wafat 1204 H ... Selain itu, juga untuk menunjukkan bahwa shalat memiliki nilai keistimewaan yang ...
"Kami bersama pemerintah menegaskan Perubahan UU Nomor 34 Tahun 2004 tentang TNI tetap berlandaskan pada nilai dan prinsip demokrasi, supremasi sipil, hak asasi manusia, serta memenuhi ketentuan hukum ...
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) meluncurkan akun media sosial (medsos) resminya pada beberapa platform, Selasa (18/3/2025). Beberapa akun medsos yang diperkenalkan meliputi ...
Peristiwa itu terjadi sekitar tahun 2015, ketika RI menyewa satelit dan tak memenuhi kewajiban bayar sesuai nilai sewa. Hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia digugat di pengadilan arbitrase internasional ...
In the first round of the NCAA Tournament, No. 2 seed Alabama went back and forth with No. 15 Robert Morris, who entered the game as a 21 1/2 point understand. The Crimson Tide has lost 3 of the ...
During his time there, Jamal worked alongside the US military and was inspired by the broadcast networks, including FOX News, MSNBC, and CNN, where he interned with anchor Poppy Harlow in 2015.
Jamal Al Ghurair Building is located in Al Mankhool, a highly popular sub-community of Bur Dubai. Providing a splendid sight of the famous Dubai Frame, the 8-storey building offers three different ...
How do the rental prices of 3 bedroom apartments in Al Nahda (Sharjah) vary? The rents of 3 bedroom apartments in Al Nahda (Sharjah) can vary between AED 50,000 and AED 180,905. How many 3 bedroom ...
The community of Nasewaupee is grieving the deaths of two people in two separate fires on Wednesday, and then Thursday afternoon, two people needed treatment for smoke inhalation after a third ...
Authorities blame the deadly attack in the town of Kokorou on the Islamic State in the Great Sahara, an ISIL affiliate.