we learn that iFixit is lowering the price on its DIY battery install kits down to $29. Notably, Apple’s own battery replacement program only applies to the iPhone 6 and later models.
Fortunately, iFixit also includes replacement parts for Xbox Series controllers ... praising its excellent soldering performance, large battery, precise power application, ease of repair, and ...
Logitech and iFixIt are joining forces to make sure you can repair your peripherals cheaper than buying a new one.
Logitech joins forces with iFixit to offer guides and parts to repair broken or damaged peripherals in a user-friendly manner ...
Logitech partners with iFixit to create Logitech Repair Hub to offer OEM replacement parts for over 20 devices.
You can repair any broken Xbox Series X/S console, starting next week, thanks to a new repairability program from Microsoft.