Happy shopping! Etnodim’s fashionable vyshyvankas — Ukrainian embroidered shirts — are ubiquitous around Kyiv, beloved for their quality and modern takes on centuries of Ukrainian heritage.
The vyshyvanka is a Ukrainian shirt made of white linen, with embroidery on the lapels and sleeves. The garment dates back more than 1,000 years, and Russia's invasion means it's right back on trend.
Transfiguration of our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church welcomes everyone to its 16th annual Myasopusna, a pre-Lenten celebration to be held on Meatfare (Myasopusna) Sunday, Feb. 23.
One of his most memorable statements came when he donned a vyshyvanka, the traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirt, during a press event on Vyshyvanka Day. This cultural celebration of Ukraine's ...
Vyshyvanka Day, which was on Thursday, celebrates the embroidered clothing Ukrainian women wear so the community will all be in their traditional dress, one of the organisers said. Larisa Korol ...