A North Atlantic right whale was spotted with her new calf off Florida's east coast Feb. 23. The whales are among the most ...
The platypus type specimen is held in the Natural History Museum's collection To simply separate the orders, mammals are warm-blooded, give birth to live young and feed them milk. Birds are also ...
The Riversleigh Platypus also had large teeth, whereas today the Platypus has no teeth at all. (Baby Platypus have teeth, but they lose them while they are still very young. The adult Platypus ...
Platypus is 21 years old and last gave birth 10 years ago, according to the FWC. Platypus and her calf, as well as another right whale named 'Cashew' and her calf were all spotted from the shore ...
The sequencing of the platypus genome has received a high amount of misleading press attention. What does this information really tell us about this strangely unique animal and its genetic past?
Platypus last gave birth 10 years ago, FWC reported, and Cashew is her second documented calf. "Numerous visitors and residents were able to safely view the whales from the beach and, thanks to ...