Frozen pierogies, or pierogi in Polish, are a great staple to have on hand but could stand to be dressed up in one of these four delicious ways.
Traditionally pierogi are served with simple toppings: fried onions, lardons, melted butter, sour cream or pork rinds. These toppings may also be upgraded or replaced with more complicated sauces, as ...
Gently but firmly seal pierogi by pinching and squeezing edges together with your thumb and pointer finger. Start with 1 ...
Even if the idea of wrapping fillings in dough and cooking up the tasty bundles wasn’t invented in Poland – more likely it was imported to Europe through Russia from China – pierogi are Poland’s pride ...
Cevapci, schnitzel, and meltingly tender, bite-sized kaldooni (a sort of miniature pierogi with attitude) make for some mighty fine Eastern European eats at North Collinwood's John Christie's Tavern.