Programs like this one run by the Hawk Mountain Sanctuary have helped me increase my knowledge and understanding of birds.
These owls have a wide range and nest in southern Canada, south along the Rocky Mountains and south in the Appalachian Mountains into Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.
After a successful run over spring break that left the team with an impressive 11 wins, the Kenyon softball team split its first home doubleheader of the season on Saturday against Carnegie Mellon ...
It has resulted in the culling of millions of birds in Pennsylvania alone and isn’t all that far away — a backyard flock in Butler County had more than 600 of its birds test positive Feb. 20 ...
Growing flocks have begun to unnerve some who live in parts of the Cumberland County town. But help is on the way.
The recent live bird market cases represent the second and third known cases of avian influenza in Philadelphia. In January, ...
Over the years, Pennsylvania’s been a hub for eye-catching license plates honoring everything from river otters to D.A.R.E to ...
Spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Shannon Powers said at that farm, "chickens and other domestic birds and their products, including eggs and feathers, are raised as pets ...