There is good news to come from all the terribleness, however: gothic music, able to soundtrack the ever-darkening prospects of the modern age, is undergoing a glorious renaissance. Formed by ...
She’d grown up surrounded by bluegrass and old-time music ... Clover-Lynn resists simplistic definitions of gothic music, pushing beyond the macabre, minor-key stylings often associated with ...
The Cure frontman Robert Smith Music has always had a dark side ... But by the dawn of the 90s, goth had become old (top) hat. Baggy and the Madchester scene was firmly out in the sunshine ...
Power Goth Recordings is the latest independent record label in Denver to balance new music, DIY and community.
Christina Villanueva, or “Hot Goth Girlfriend” to baddies in the know, is a Berkeley-based DJ and promoter bringing together ...