you're very likely relying on two essential but easily confused devices: the modem and the router. Without them, most people's internet access wouldn't be possible. But their particular functions ...
Yes, you will need both a router and a modem for your internet connection. While they are often bundled together in a single ...
Software that performs modem functions using the computer's main CPU rather than in modem hardware. Instead of using a dedicated data pump, programmable DSP chips are used. For example ...
In 2000, AMD, 3Com and others introduced ACR to supersede AMR. Taking up one PCI slot, it accelerated audio and modem functions in hardware. For audio and modem only, it could be built with a ...
Each of the RivieraWaves Wi-Fi platforms incorporates the Upper MAC (UMAC), Lower MAHarC (LMAC) and PHY modem functions. In particular, the RivieraWaves Wi-Fi IP family includes a high performance ...