Here is a running list of local events celebrating MLK Jr. over the next few weeks. The Citywide Memorial Worship Service is set for Sunday, Jan. 19, at St. Phillip Monumental African Methodist ...
The idea turn MLK Day of Service into an annual ... of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – include individuals, nonprofit organizations, places of worship, and cultural sites throughout WNY.
Sponsored by the Leadership and Service Council, MLK's Beloved Community honors the memory and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hosted on Dr. King’s birthday, a federally celebrated holiday and ...
“The day I became a staff member at Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services was the day I not only gained a new family, but also became a ‘Keeper of The Dream.’ When you step through the ...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a U.S. holiday and national day of service. It took a long time for the country to get there It was first proposed four days after King's 1968 assassination outside a ...
ATLANTA (AP) — A massive 70-member choir belted out “Hallelujah” to open a Martin Luther King Jr. Day service Monday at his former congregation in Atlanta, followed by a stern message from ...
The US will honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day, recognized as a National Day of Service. King, known for his role in the Civil Rights movement and his advocacy for nonviolence ...
leads congregants in song during Sunday’s worship service at Price Memorial AME Church in Youngstown to honor the legacy and life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday also marked what would have ...